Speakers’ Corner is a place where anyone can get up on a soapbox and preach it, and Terminator 24 has been a fixture there for over four decades. A self-styled “symbolic ironic play striving to dream, explore, question, learn and live compassionately without fear, prejudice, hate and abuse,” the character of Terminator 24 [or T24 as he is sometimes called] came about as the result of one man’s questioning spirit as well as through his genuine efforts to interact with a wide variety of diverse tourists and visitors. I first saw this video probably more than 20 years ago, and Terminator 24’s remarkable brand of Socratic method struck me at the time and it strikes me as remarkable to this day.
The film found below [by David Napier and Paul Dionne] features many of the characters you would have found at Speaker’s Corner in 1994, but it settles on Terminator 24, who is still there today, and if you ever make it to London, you should definitely take the time to visit Hyde Park and visit Speaker’s Corner to learn how this business of learning is done from the master himself. For more on Terminator 24, please feel free to visit his website.