Perhaps you have become confused. In this episode Butcher Billy discovers the secret to hopping from hell to earth and back again, but it’s all blurring together regardless, hell and earth squishing into one slippery slab of sight, until there is no distinction between the fiery pit and the world above, and no escape!
Episode 41
Travel through the present and into the past, and not just in the usual ways of listening to old stories, but in the not so usual ways of actually being in the past, or rather a timeless place is neither the past or the present. Is Ursula also Satan? What really happened after she and Jack went through the Tongue Forest? It’s up to you to find out!
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 42
The past and the present? Breasts that suck rather than secrete? Where is Butcher Billy when we need him? What is happening to Archibald the Professor of Arcane knowledge? Listen for the demon on the pogo stick as he chases after one of the young scholars.
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 43
Wow. This non-stop narrative takes you to so many resort locations within the now fallen earth, overrun as it is by demons from the depths of hell, chambermaids being dragged before pustulant demon mounds and faeries copulating with crickets. Truly, a vacation package.
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 44
Could Nathaniel and Isabel be the last hope for humanity? What sort of mischief have they been up to these long years gone by while the world ran down? Is there someone else could save us from the maws of hell? Only time will tell, and time is running out!
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 45
Dr. William O’Reilly’s message is perversion, and what of it? He preaches that his parishoners kill themselves so that they then manifest in hell, only to then kill themselves back into the waking world and so become transplendent, which is not even a word, for earth is the hell of hell, just as hell is the hell of earth. To die in one is to be reborn in the other.
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 46
Persons are lounging around a place formerly called the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies, now called the Dr. O’Reilly Die to Life Clinic. There is a small chapel abutting the grounds that’s been boarded up since the year 1892, the year a small girl was burnt alive, but where is that girl now? Could she be in hell? But where is hell? And why are faeries hatching out of her skin like the most adorable species of scabies you could ever imagine?
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 47
The narrator is being killed by faeries are hatching out of a little girl like scabies, aka the Fairy Princess, while back in the waking world now overrun with demon spawn Dr. William O’Reilly is confronted by a demon has information concerning a few adolescents turned demon-hunters. He will find them and bring them out of hell to save the world.
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 48
Demons have overrun the earth. It’s only the desire to stay alive that keeps people in hell, and Dr. O’Reilly has no desire to stay alive whatsoever, but how does he know what he knows and what is that thing that is currently insulting him from out the shadows, and what is that bird poking itself outside of Isabel’s guts?
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 49
The end is nigh! The end is nigh! The narrator has a faery infestation within his brain, while Isabel and Nathaniel are confronted by the faerie Lilu. Listen to discover why faeries and demons both are dangerous to human-folk, unless you already know of course, in which case I suggest you hurry to the nearest mental health ward.
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 50
“I haven’t seen young meat for so long.” So begins another episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies. Isabel is in a tavern in a world overrun by demons, while outside creatures of the underworld are eating each down to a dot across the globe, while in another place, Nathaniel confronts the faerie Lilu and discovers the truth about hell, faeries, and demons.
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 51
The time is really truly nigh now, dear listeners. For Isabel is high above the single screeching howl of thing is all that’s left of the demon horde that has consumed all living matter until all that was left for them to consume each other in a cannibalistic slurp, while in the nether realm, Nathaniel must decide whether he will step within the medicinal bath found before him or not…
A new episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies aired on a semi-weekly basis.
Episode 52
The end is so nigh it’s beyond nigh. It’s so nigh that it’s fore and then nigh again, and then fore and then nigh again. In short, this is the final episode of Twilight at the Lady Jane Grey College for Little Ladies, and Isabel and Nathaniel have found themselves within the belly of the beast! Prepare yourselves for the shocking ending, or is it?