We are all about the sound of the future, here in the first week of 2009, and the last year of the ots. Did anything happen in the ots of the 1900’s? Perhaps something epic will happen in the next decade, like Armageddon as the Mayans predicted. That would be awesome, but focusing on more mundane matters, the question for this week is, How do you spell that? We do got a new president and a new depression, and welcome to Jason Allen once again. Gabe wants to know how Jason feels, and Jason wants to know why he’s being questioned, that he’s a good-feeling person. If only we had some pig in here, Gabe would go cut its throat.
Gabe reads from The Futurist Cookbook, for the weekly segment Book You! Gabe does some impromptu analysis of Jason, suggesting that perhaps Jason’s psyche might perhaps be waxed, and whether perhaps there is something beyond the warm well-waxed fuzziness within, which apparently resembles a five-dimensional hyper-cube. This is a subjective fact according to Jason, while according to Joseph Campbell, people aren’t looking for the meaning of life, they’re looking for the experience of being alive. Gabe tries to get his cohorts to hone their mouth muscles through various tongue-twister exercises. The most idiotic thing yet, says Malcolm. That and also, we forgot to announce song, “Nah mix nah mingle” by Lady Saw.